
Teradata Multiple Choice Questions

Hi All,

Please find below some of  the Teradata Questions & Answers:

1. What are the following object required for Teradata Database-Prem space?.

 a) Tables & Stored Procedure b) Tables & Views
 c) Macros & Triggers d) Views & Stored Procedures

Answer: a.
2. Global Temporary Tables are stored in the TD are

 a) Perm Space b) Spool Space c) Temp Space

Answer : c
3. Terabytes represent
a) 10 power 15 b) 10 power 12 c) 10 power 18  d) 10 power 24
Answer: b
4. SMP Stands for

    a) Symmetric Multi-processor b) Symmetric Massive-Processor
    c) System Multi-processor d) Symmetric Multi-Processor
Answer: a
5. Total Number of nodes suppport by BYNET are

       a)510 SMP Nodes a) 512 SMP Nodes b) 513 SMP Nodes c) 514 SMP Nodes
Answer: b
6. The definition of TPump is continuous update of tables; performs insert, update, and delete operations or a combination of those operations on multiple tables using the same source feed.

   a) true b) false
Answer: a
7. Teradata Database facilities for software falut tolerance on

 a) Vproc Migration & Fallback tables b) AMP Clusters & Journaling
 c) Backup/Archive/Restore d) Table Rebuild Utility e) All of the above
        f) None of the above
Answer: e
8. Success/Failure/Error responses from Teradata are received by
 a) Request Parcel b) Data parcel c) Response Parcel

Answer: c)
9. Explain command displays the execution plan of the query chosen by the Teradata Optimizer
     a) False b) True

Answer: b
10. HASHROW funtions is 
 a. Returns the hash bucket number that corresponds to a specified row hash value.
 b. Returns the hexadecimal row hash value for an expression
 c. Returns the AMP number of the primary AMP corresponding to the specified hash bucket number.
 d. Returns the identification number of the fallback AMP corresponding to the specified hash bucket.

Answer: b



Unknown said...

thx venky

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